كيمياء حيوية ممكن تساعدونى اجاوب الاسئله دى


New Member
(i) Does RT/IN/PR follow Michealis Mentum kinetics?
(i) If one of your purified compounds inhibits both RT and PR how could the mechanisms of inhibition be explained?
(i) Explain possible reasons for why enzyme inhibition studies could provide irreproducible data.
(i) If the purified enzymes (RT, PR, IN) were not available for you to use in inhibition assays but you had access to mRNA for each of the enzymes , how would you have gone about doing inhibition studies?
What is the concentration of a glass of water? Explain/motivate your answer
سلام عليكم يا جماعه انا مش متخيله انى لقيتك انتو نزلتولى من السما
بليز لو حد يقدر يساعدنى في الكم سؤال دول
ربنا يكرمكم

these question are not with the basic science. Is it your homework ?!.
I think all of enzymes follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics unless there were somethings with protease, reverse transcriptase and integrase that I have missed.please first write your overviews and answers to these question and we shall discuss about it.
The last question, which is concerned with water, is invalid. please write it again. I also would like to know the book's title that you study this subject.

finally someone answered
1st of all many thanks for replying
then, no its not my homework:) am older than having homework
am doing my PhD in biochemistry but, because am not biochemist (am a marine scientist
so am new to biochemistry

these questions sent for me by my biochemistry supervisor with more more questions

she wanted me to try to answer it to get the minimum biochemistry that i need

i did solved and answered all the question actually i learnt alot
except for these questions that killing me

the water question is exactly what she wrote i changed nothing

thats the story

oh, I see.
as I said last time for the 1st quz, It's supposed that those enzymes follow M-M k.
The enzyme inhibitors are well known. for your level, I think you need to design an experiment to study the case of their inhibition. Mechanism of inhibition is also well known, but how we can detect it, that's the cornerstone over here.
on why Enzyme inhibition studies could provide irreproducible date, since there's many types of inhibitiors which work on differentways. As you know, competitive inhibitor increases Km but has no effect on Vmax while uncompetitive inhibitor decreases both Km and Vmax. Pure noncompetitive: I decreases Vmax but has no effect on Km.

If mRNA for a certain enzyme is known and so easy to be accessed, we simply can knock it out.

still waiting for your words regards of that too.

there is something with the last question
please make sure you copy it correctly,

All of the best
What is the concentration of a glass of water? Explain/motivate your answer

Hi Dear
your answers is appreciated so much
but, i couldnt get any point of your words . may be you didnt understand that i have no background in biochemistry
ill appreciate if u can guide me with any chapter that may help me understanding the
M-M-K and the enzymes story

regarding the water question
thats exactly what she wrote , but she was asking about the pH in the last question
ill copy the whole question for you

many thanx

1. pH plays an important role in living systems.

(i) Each decrease in pH by one pH unit means a tenfold increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions. Why is this?
(ii) If there are 10, 000, 000 hydrogen ions in battery acid at pH 0, how many hydrogen ions are present in a solution of pure water at pH 7 and liquid drain cleaner at pH 14 and why?
(iii) What is the concentration of a glass of water? Explain/motivate your answer.