Medical Student Essentials - Books I + Journal Passwords [1.16 GiB]
Essential Medical Books for Medical Students
1. Journal Medical Passwords 2003.pdf
\\\\Ebooks\\\\ (0)
Quick Study
Skills, Social, Ethics
Various Essential Subjects
\\\\Ebooks\\\\Quick Study\\\\ (3)
Flash Cards
Medical procedures
1. Anatomy.tv - Anatomy Study Guides.chm
2. Cranial_Nerves_Functional_Anatomy.pdf
3. Schaum\\\'s Outline of Biology - Fried, George H..pdf
\\\\Ebooks\\\\Quick Study\\\\Flash Cards\\\\ (3)
1. Rohen\\\'s Photographic Anatomy Flash Cards - 1st Ed.CHM
2. Anatomy - sidebyside.pdf
3. Pathology - sidebyside.pdf
\\\\Ebooks\\\\Quick Study\\\\Medical procedures\\\\ (50)
1. Skill 01[1].Temperature..pdf
2. Skill 02[1]..Pulse.pdf
3. Skill 03[1]..Respiration.pdf
4. Skill 04[1]..Blood Pressure.pdf
5. Skill 05[1]..Pulse Oximetry.pdf
6. Skill 06[1]..Capillary Blood Draw.pdf
7. Skill 07[1]..Venipuncture.pdf
8. Skill 08[1]..Blood Draw from a Central Venous Catheter.pdf
9. Skill 09[1]..Nasopharyngeal Swab.pdf
10. Skill 10[1]..Throat Culture.pdf
11. Skill 11[1]..Collection of Stool Specimen.pdf
12. Skill 12[1]..Collection of Urine Specimen.pdf
13. Skill 13[1]..Collection of a Midstream.pdf
14. Skill 14[1]..Assisting with Child during Bone Marrow.pdf
15. Skill 15[1]..Assisting with Child during Lumbar Puncture.pdf
16. Skill 16[1]..Assisting with Collection of Cerebrospinal.pdf
17. Skill 17[1]..Sponge Bath.pdf
18. Skill 18[1]..Insertion of a Peripheral IV Line.pdf
19. Skill 19[1]..Dressing Change Central Venous Line.pdf
20. Skill 20[1]..Insertion of a Nasogastric Tube.pdf
21. Skill 21[1]..Management of Gastrointestinal Suction.pdf
22. Skill 22[1]..Nasogastric Tube Irrigation.pdf
23. Skill 23[1]..Nasogastric Tube Lavage.pdf
24. Skill 24[1]..Administration of a Bolus Feeding.pdf
25. Skill 25[1]..Administration of NG, NJ, Gastrostomy and.pdf
26. Skill 26[1]..Changing a Fecal Ostomy Appliance.pdf
27. Skill 27[1]..Emptying an Ostomy Pouch.pdf
28. Skill 28[1]..Administration of Enemas.pdf
29. Skill 29[1]..Urinary Catheterization.pdf
30. Skill 30[1]..Petaling a Cast.pdf
31. Skill 31[1]..Pin Site Care.pdf
33. Skill 33[1]..Pin Care, External Fixation Device.pdf
34. Skill 34[1]..EVD Maintaining System at Correct Level and Functioning.pdf
35. Skill 35[1]..EVD Client Assessment.pdf
36. Skill 36[1]..EVD Monitoring Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).pdf
37. Skill 37[1]..EVD Changing the Drainage Bag.pdf
38. Skill 38[1]..EVD General Nursing Care and Safety.pdf
39. Skill 39[1]..Assisting with Chest Tube Insertion.pdf
40. Skill 40[1]..Preparing the Chest Tube Drainage System.pdf
41. Skill 41[1]..Care of the Child with a Chest Tube.pdf
42. Skill 42[1]..Assisting with Removal of Chest Tube.pdf
43. Skill 43[1]..Oxygen Administration.pdf
44. Skill 44[1]..Bulb Suctioning.pdf
45. Skill 45[1]..Nasotracheal Suctioning.pdf
46. Skill 46[1]..Tracheostomy Monitoring.pdf
47. Skill 47[1]..Tracheostomy Tube Change.pdf
48. Skill 48[1]..Tracheostomy Tube.pdf
49. Skill 49[1]..Tracheostomy Suctioning.pdf
50. Skill 50[1]..Endotracheal Tube Monitoring (ETT).pdf
and much more

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