"رابط مباشر" A.Testers.Guide.to.dot.NET.Programming

A Tester's Guide to .NET Programming focuses solely on applied programming techniques for testers. You will learn how to write simple automated tests, enabling you to test tools and utilities. You will also learn about the important concepts driving modern programming today, like multitier applications and object-oriented programming. More businesses are adopting .NET technologies, and this book will equip you to assess software robustness and performance.
Whether you're an experienced programmer who's unfamiliar with testing concepts, or you're an experienced tester unversed in VB .NET and C#, the included real-world tips and example code will help you start your projects. Also included are review questions and hands-on exercises to help you retain knowledge. Additionally, the book features examples and quick language tutorials for both C# and VB .NET.
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