新聞 で 学ぶ 日本語 / Learn Japanese with the help of newspaper notes with Audio

ابو ابراهيم

مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة
新聞 で 学ぶ 日本語 / Learn Japanese with the help of newspaper notes with Audio
Publisher: The Japan Times | 1998 | ISBN: 4789008630 | English/Japanese | PDF+MP3 | 155 pages | 208.29 Mb

※在庫情報は、前日の営業終了時のものです。寝台特急「あさかぜ」廃止/増える東京の光化学スモッグ/学生の73%、「賞味期限」気にする/スギ花粉症患 者が増加/零細書店に厳しい状況/子ども3人以上の家庭に割引サービス/携帯電話で出欠確認/世代による受益と負担の格差/伝統技術の弟子入り体験、都が 実施/首都直下地震の被害想定、112兆円〔ほか〕
The textbook was published in 1996, so some of the realities, of course, have changed, but, in my opinion, he has not lost relevance to the present day. The textbook consists of 60 lessons. At the beginning of each lesson is placed a short newspaper item on a particular topic, and almost all of the words translated into English. Then a small task for understanding the content of news. Next you need to listen to audio on the same topic, but in a format television news: a neutral-polite style, better perceived at the hearing vocabulary, etc. Scripts to the news in the textbook is not provided, but they are not needed, as the text notes and text-sounding news differ slightly. Then given 2 short dialogue, which discuss the content of news - one in a neutral-polite style, and another - in familiarity. Audio conversations to have. Each lesson ends with a wildcard exercise to consolidate the vocabulary. The textbook is suitable for intermediate and advanced levels. Covers a wide range of topics: economic news, holidays, weather, demographic problems, etc. etc. Contains language, the most frequently encountered in the newspaper notes, and news.

Category: A Textbook for Intermediate and Advanced
Book - 7.62 MB
Audio - 200.67 MB