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Eating DVD - 3rd Edition
H264 | English | 720x480 | MP4 | 29.97 fps 2654 kbps | AAC 48000 Hz | 1.72 GB
Genre: eLearning
Join over 40 million people throughout the world who have watched this award-winning film. It covers a lot of ground very comprehensively - and all within 88 short minutes. Among the many highlights are interviews with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neil Pinckney, Dr. Ruth Heidrich and Dr. Joseph Crowe.??Dr. Crowe and Dr. Esselstyn are from the world-famous Cleveland Clinic Foundation and know something about heart disease. In fact, Dr. Esselstyn directed the longest and most successful heart disease reversal program ever. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular (heart) disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by switching to The Rave Diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities on heart disease reversal. Dr. Pinckney and Dr. Crowe both reversed severe heart disease by adopting The Rave Diet.??If you know someone with heart disease - who doesn't? - this will probably be the most valuable film they will ever watch - and from authorities with impeccable credentials. And if you eat to prevent heart disease, you will also prevent the other major diseases that are plaguing Western nations. You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who, after surgery, treated her breast cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or any other conventional treatments by following The Rave Diet.
The Eating DVD is used in wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets and restore their health. This is the same DVD that convinced Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn to change his diet. Steve distributed 10,000 copies of Eating to his employees.
Other topics include:?
- Why we have an epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.?
- Why following federal nutrition guidelines will kill you.?
- Why the government promotes foods that shorten lives.?
- Why almost everyone has cancer by the time they're fifty - and don't even know it.? - Why our top two nutrition worries should be our last.?
- Why doctors treat symptoms of disease, not causes.?
- Why our most deadly diseases were rare before 1900.?
- Why most school-age children already have heart disease.?
- Why there's no difference between white meat and red meat.?
- Why Americans are constipated. ?
- Why American men are impotent.?
- Why Americans have weak bones.?
- Why politicians are America's dieticians.?
- Why farm animal feces is standard fare in meat today.?
- Why our eating habit is like smoking, but more lethal. ?
- Why the most disturbing death statistic of our time is so little known - and it comes from the Surgeon General.
The Eating DVD also examines the consequences of our eating habit to the environment and animal agriculture. ? ?Here are the chapter numbers for the DVD (missing chapter numbers indicate minor chapter markers):??
1 - Introduction
2 - Heart Disease?
3 - Cancer
4 - Reversing Diabetes
5 - Calcium Brainwashing
?6 - Lighter meats??
7 - Dairy Products?
8 - Food Politics?
9 - Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet?
10 - Environmental Impacts of the standard Western diet?
17 - Animal Agriculture (factory farms)?
18 - Infectious Diseases
?19 - Conclusion?
20 - Credits
*Changes in the 3rd Edition:
New section on reversing adult-onset diabete. The role of diet in the destruction of the Amazon. The role of diet in global warming (and why Al Gore ignores it)? A small section showing graphic images of farm animals was deleted. The topic is more effectively covered without those images.**?
Testimonials with people who reversed diseases by following the RAVE Diet were deleted. Those testimonials are online at this web site.? Significant editing throughout. It is now 88 minutes long, a 20 minute reduction in total running time.?Instead of the main menu having chapter choices, you can skip forward to the various chapter markers using your remote.
** Here is what one viewer said about this change: "I watched the 3rd edition last night and found it to be quite effective in it's presentation. You did a great job. I thought that you had taken out more of the animal cruelty than you did before I watched it, but you had left enough in to make an impression - and that's what gets to the minds and hearts of a lot of people - to actually SEE what is done to the animals."
Another viewer writes about the 3rd Edition: "I just ordered 10 more copies of Eating 3rd edition after watching it last night. I didn't think it could be any better than the 2nd edition, but I was wrong. I'm so glad you added the information on Global Warming and Al Gore. Amazing!"
Product Description
This award-winning DVD covers a lot of ground very comprehensively - and now has subtitles in Spanish, French, German and English (for the deaf). Among the many highlights are interviews with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neil Pinckney, Dr. Ruth Heidrich and Dr. Joseph Crowe. Dr. Crowe and Dr. Esselstyn are from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and know something about heart disease. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by making simple changes to your diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities on heart disease reversal. You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who treated her breast cancer by simply changing her diet. The DVD also covers a wide-range of other health problems, including the reversal of adult-onset diabetes with diet. It also covers the impact of typical Western diets on the environment. The Eating DVD is used in hospitals and wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets and restore their health.