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M_program.rar :Matlabaudio watermark-related procedures, including two parts: audiowatermarking in wavelet domain (including MDCT) and linear regression based on the HRT and the watermark detection algorithm. [10.rar]:Audiowatermarking in the complex cepstrum domain embedded watermark embedding using statistical average modulation method. [11.rar]:AudioWatermarking procedures, using the discrete cosine transform, synchronous signal processing section. [12.rar]:AudioWatermarking Algorithm Based on the watermark embedding and extraction, by converting the image hidden in the audio in. [13.rar]:Based on echo hiding information hiding algorithm, is an audio signal watermarking techniques, including embedding and extracting hidden information, as well as for noise, MP3 compression, filtering, resampling and delay attack simulation. [14.rar]:this is audiowatermarkingmatlab code . [15.rar]IGITAL WATERMARKING OF AUDIO SIGNALS USING A PSYCHOCOUSTIC AUDITORY MODEL AND SPREAD SPECTRUM THEORY. [16.rar]:High capacity audiowatermarking using fft amplitude interpolation . [17.rar]CT-based digital audiowatermarking technique,could be a reference for the students under final year projects . [audiowatermarkingprogram.rar]: This is the audiowatermarkingmatlab program based on wavelet transform. it is based on three-power relations embedded watermark and has help to the watermark research colleagues.