Lloyd_ J_. Brown,_ Lee Todd_ Miller, _"BRS _Pediatrics"
| 2004-07-27 | ISBN: 07_81_7212_96 | 528 pages | CHM | 3,8 MB
Like other titles in the Board Review Series, BRS Pediatrics is designed to offer students a strong foundation for subsequent learning in both primary care and subspecialty pediatrics.
BRS Pediatrics features:
-A comprehensive overview of the basic principles of pediatrics
-Detailed information for the pediatric subinternships and pediatric subspecialty rotations
-Case-based review tests (simulating USMLE Step 2 questions) at the end of each chapter
-Explanations for the correct answers and the incorrect responses with cross-references to the appropriate text for student follow-up
-End-of-book comprehensive 100-question examination
You'll find that BRS Pediatrics will be an indispensable resource for the pediatric rotation, the end of rotation exam, and the USMLE Step 2.