Short-Range Wireless Communications


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Wireless communications is perhaps best known by its "long-range" applications, such as cellular and satellite communications. Perhaps the greatest growth ahead for wireless markets, however, lies in "short-range" applications, such as in RF identification (RFID), wireless local-area networks (WLANs), and Bluetooth personal wireless connectivity. Short-range Wireless Communication is an excellent introduction to some of these short-range wireless technologies, especially for engineering managers and marketing professionals who may not be well-versed in the terminology and technology of wireless communications. The opening chapter offers a brief historical perspective on wireless communications, along with an introduction to generic wireless communications systems. Chapter 2 introduces the concept of radio propagation. Chapter 3 highlights antennas and transmission lines. Chapter 4 reviews communication protocols and modulation. Chapter 5 covers transmitters (Txs), using a simple block diagram to discuss the roles of different components, such as the modulation source and the amplifier, while Chapter 6 details receivers (Rxs), with a short section on software-defined radios. Chapter 7 unveils radio-system design, with a step-by-step discussion on key system parameters, such as operating range, sensitivity, noise figure, and bandwidth, as well as how to calculate performance when provided with different values of these parameters. Chapter 8 covers system implementation, using module and integrated-circuit (IC) products from a variety of manufacturers as examples. Chapter 9 reviews regulations and wireless standards. Chapter 10 is a brief 27-page introduction to information theory, with coverage of probability-density functions (PDFs). Chapter 11 details new developments in short-range radios, including brief treatments of ultra-wideband radios and Bluetooth technology. Short-range Wireless Communications is accompanied by a compact-disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) that contains MathCAD worksheets on 12 topics covered in the text (such as patch-antenna design). --Microwaves & RF, January 2001 Short-range RF communication is undergoing a revolution-as a replacement for wiring in homes and offices. Designers in this field can find the detailed technical information and design guidelines they need in this book. It serves as a gateway to understanding the basics of all forms of RF communication, including satellite and cellular systems, with an emphasis on short- or low-range power wireless applications. In addition, the included CD-ROM contains Mathcad engineering worksheets integrated with the text and a complete searchable eBook version with hyperlinked references and bookmarks. A web site covering new short-range RF developments at also provides supplemental material and a reader forum. --Poptronics Magazine, May 2001 This book covers practically all aspects of radio communications including wave propagation, antennas, transmitters, receivers, design principles, telecommunication regulations and information theory. -Microwave Journal, April 2002 Armed with the knowledge acquired from this book, the reader can more easily learn the details of specialized radio communications systems (PCS) and wireless local area networks (WLAN). -Microwave Journal, April 2002