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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry
Editorial Reviews
"...This is a highly recommended text, and should be first choice for undergraduate reading lists. It could be used for establishing first principles in foundation modules, and then more sophisticated ideas in advanced modules. It is also a useful update book for practicing analysts."
Physical Sciences Educational Reviews, 07/2007
"...This is a highly recommended text, and should be first choice for undergraduate reading lists. It could be used for establishing first principles in foundation modules, and then more sophisticated ideas in advanced modules. It is also a useful update book for practicing analysts."
Physical Sciences Educational Reviews, 07/2007
"... excellent and comprehensive..." - Analyst
"... excellent and comprehensive..." - Analyst
"... a recommended text for all analytical chemistry undergraduates for many years." - Education and Chemistry
"... a valuable reference manual." - European Journal of Pharmacological Biopharmacy
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