Morrison and Boyd Organic chemistry النسخة السادسة كاملة حصرياً لمنتدانا

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* ضيف شرف *
طاقم الإدارة

كتاب الكيمياء العضوية الذي يدرس في الكثير من الجامعات النسخة السادسة تم تصويره و رفعه من قبل الأخ وليد حموده جزاه الله كل خير ليكون إنفراد لكتاب العرب فلا تنسوه من دعواتكم الخالصة ...

BY : Robert T. Morrison & Robert N. Boyd


Product Details
Hardcover: 1360 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (January 17, 1992)

Language: English
ISBN-10: 0136436692
ISBN-13: 978-0136436690

ماذا قال الآخرون عن الكتاب ؟

1- A wonderful book
I am not a Chemistry major, however I found Morrison & Boyd interesting. I used this book in high school for about 50% percent of the Chemistry syllabus in high school related to organic chemistry. The style of the authors was refreshing, and I found it easy to read large sections in short periods. I also found it easy to recall a lot of points as the book was written in such a way as to lead you from one point to the other, which style is the best for organic chemistry.

2- Highly recommended
This text and the way it is written made the experience most enjoyable. It is concise and very well written with emphasis made easily on key issues that build step by step a strong platform from which to learn organic chemistry.
My niece is now at Duke University in Pre-Med, and reminded me s of my nervousness as the time approaches for her to tackle this subject. Although her university does not apparently use this text ,I highly recommended this text to her as a wonderful companion to whatever text her university used. I whole-heartedly recommend this text for anyone about to face this wonderful subject and want to easily understand some complex principles.

3- This is the book
I used this text in the 80's as an undergrad in Brazil, and am now a chemistry professor. Although my research is in computational chemistry, and organic chemistry seems a lot like fantasy to me, I still love Morrison and Boyd's textbook. I remember my experience with it, and my awe in finding that someone could actually put a textbook together that was enjoyable to be read, and easy to understand - and mind you, I was not fluent in English back then. I have just recently realized that all my organic texts have been "borrowed" by students, and that I should really get Morrison's. And this time make sure nobody will take it out of my office. If you want to learn organic chemistry with no struggle, this is the book.

4- One of the most pyramidal texts of Organic Chemistry
Due its ambitious purposes and powerful transcendence, the whole understanding of this fundamental branch of the Science seems to be in an authentic crescendo day after day.

This book illustrates and clarifies such just a few, the most relevant aspects of this dynamic and expansive scientific discipline.

Recommended for students and teachers of Chemistry, Chemistry Engineers and Bio analysts.
رابط التحميل
[hide] & Boyd - Organic Chemistry.pdf[/hide]

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