برنامج OriginPro 2018


رجل المواقف (مشرف سابق)
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

المختص برسم وتحليل ومعالجة البيانات

Name: Origin Pro
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8 /10

OriginLab Corporation, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of OriginPro version 9. The new version provides a set of features and enhancements that were developed based on customer feedback and industry demand.

Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 150,000 customers worldwide, spanning Fortune 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.

The most significant feature in Origin 9 is enhanced 3D graphing using OpenGL, the industry standard for high-performance graphics. This significantly boosts performance for plotting and editing 3D graphs created from large datasets. Users can now rotate, pan, and zoom within 3D graphs to examine details much more efficiently than in previous versions. Improvements in 3D graphing also include 3D parametric function plots, the ability to plot multiple stacked surfaces in a single graph layer, and enhanced support for error bars and labels

Another key feature in Origin 9 is the ability to reduce data in worksheets by applying filters to one or more columns. This enables users to quickly reduce large datasets and have all associated graphs and analysis results automatically update when filter conditions are modified. Additional new functionality includes video creation from graphs, an improved vertical cursor gadget that operates across multiple graphs, and the ability to place graphs as floating objects on worksheets for easy report creation. OriginPro contains all of the Origin 9 features, as well as new tools for implicit function fitting and IIR filter design

Significant enhancements available in Origin 9 span all major areas of the software. New features and improvements include

High-performance 3D graphing using OpenGL
3D parametric function plots
Movie creation
Data filter
Floating graphs in worksheets
Global vertical cursor
Implicit function fitting (OriginPro)
IIR filter design (OriginPro)
3D surface plots from XYZ data
3D bar plots with Z error and 3D scatter plots with XYZ errors
Improved scatter matrix plot
Improved data info dialog
Context menu to easily swap data from graphs
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في حين ان اصدار البرنامج يتم تثبيته بشكل سليم
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يحدث تلف في احد الملفات
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سلمت اخي mann1 على هذة الاضافة الرائعة و كذلك الشكر موصول للاخ الغالي علاء على توضيحاته............احسن الله اليكم جميعا(y)
السلام عليكم جميعا
شخصيا لديّ الإصدار الثامن للبرنامج ٬ شغال مضمون مع الوندوز ٧ ... إن كان الإخوة بحاجة إليه سأضيفه وإلا فالتاسع أفضل مع تحياتي الخاصة للمشرف د. محمد وشكرنا لتفانيه في خدمة إخوانه
التعديل الأخير:
السلام عليكم جميعا
شخصيا لديّ الإصدار الثامن للبرنامج ٬ شغال مضمون مع الوندوز ٧ ... إن كان الإخوة بحاجة إليه سأضيفه وإلا فالتاسع أفضل مع تحياتي الخاصة للمشرف د. محمد وشكرنا لتفانيه في خدمة إخوانه
بارك الله فيكم أستاذنا الفاضل
تفضل، يمكنك إضافة أي رابط تراه مناسبا للموضوع
السلام عليكم جميعا :

بعد تنصيب البرنامج بتطلع الخيارات دي ايش اختار وهل تنصيبي صحيح

وعليكم السلام
انتظري رد الأخوة الذين قاموا بالتحميل، لا أدري هل ملف الكراك مضمن مع البرنامج أم لا، لكن حاليا يمكنك اختيار الخيار الثاني أو الرابع
أخي العزيز د. محمد لم أنتبه لما كتبت ، فقد مررت بفترة عمل متواصل جعلتني أقصّر في حق إخوتي عليَّ .. وقد وضعت للتّو الإصدار الثامن للبرنامج ، متوافق جدا مع وندوز 7.. إن شاء الله يفيد إخوتنا وأبنائنا
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التفاعلات: mann1
أخي العزيز د. محمد لم أنتبه لما كتبت ، فقد مررت بفترة عمل متواصل جعلتني أقصّر في حق إخوتي عليَّ .. وقد وضعت للتّو الإصدار الثامن للبرنامج ، متوافق جدا مع وندوز 7.. إن شاء الله يفيد إخوتنا وأبنائنا
سلمت يداكم أستاذنا الفاضل
أعانكم الله ويسر جميع أموركم
رمضان كريم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

المختص برسم وتحليل ومعالجة البيانات

Name: Origin Pro
Version: 9.0 build number 45
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 448.1 mb

OriginLab Corporation, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of OriginPro version 9. The new version provides a set of features and enhancements that were developed based on customer feedback and industry demand.

Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 150,000 customers worldwide, spanning Fortune 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.

The most significant feature in Origin 9 is enhanced 3D graphing using OpenGL, the industry standard for high-performance graphics. This significantly boosts performance for plotting and editing 3D graphs created from large datasets. Users can now rotate, pan, and zoom within 3D graphs to examine details much more efficiently than in previous versions. Improvements in 3D graphing also include 3D parametric function plots, the ability to plot multiple stacked surfaces in a single graph layer, and enhanced support for error bars and labels

Another key feature in Origin 9 is the ability to reduce data in worksheets by applying filters to one or more columns. This enables users to quickly reduce large datasets and have all associated graphs and analysis results automatically update when filter conditions are modified. Additional new functionality includes video creation from graphs, an improved vertical cursor gadget that operates across multiple graphs, and the ability to place graphs as floating objects on worksheets for easy report creation. OriginPro contains all of the Origin 9 features, as well as new tools for implicit function fitting and IIR filter design

Significant enhancements available in Origin 9 span all major areas of the software. New features and improvements include

High-performance 3D graphing using OpenGL
3D parametric function plots
Movie creation
Data filter
Floating graphs in worksheets
Global vertical cursor
Implicit function fitting (OriginPro)
IIR filter design (OriginPro)
3D surface plots from XYZ data
3D bar plots with Z error and 3D scatter plots with XYZ errors
Improved scatter matrix plot
Improved data info dialog
Context menu to easily swap data from graphs

روابط التحميل
احتاج تحميل برنامج origin